What Is That Running Toilet Really Costing You?

Most homeowners in Waukesha are very diligent about calling in a plumber when they discover or even suspect a water leak in their home. But unfortunately, that is not always the case when they find a toilet that is frequently running. This issue is seen as more off an inconvenience than a potential problem because of the annoying sound. But what is being overlooked is that this is also a plumbing leak and one that can be quite costly if not repaired quickly.

The Dollars And Cents

Just because the water in a leaking toilet is running down the drain is no reason to ignore it. Sure, it is not likely to flood your home or result in additional damage. But it could be wasting a significant amount of water. A single running toilet can be wasting up to 200 gallons of water each day. In just a single month, that is enough water to more than half fill the average residential swimming pool with a capacity of just under 11,000 gallons. The actual financial penalty will vary depending on where you live. But using the national average for water and sewage costs, you could be looking at around $75 a month down the drain.

The Cost To The Environment

Many households are working very hard to conserve water because it is such a precious natural resource. They have converted to low-flow showerheads and faucets, converted grass to natural drought-tolerant landscape, and even shortened the time they spend in the shower each day. But most have no idea that one leaking toilet can undo all of their conservation efforts. The average family of four uses between 320 and 400 gallons of water each day. But a single leaking toilet can increase that number by 50%. That is a significant waste and hardship to the environment

What Causes A Toilet To Run

A leaking toilet can often be traced back to one of five internal issues. The most common cause of these annoying leaks is a leaking flapper. These inexpensive parts can get stuck, damaged, or wear out and cost you thousands of gallons of water. A new flapper can be purchased online or at a hardware store for only a few dollars to correct the issue. The second most common issue is the clapper chain. These are very small and somewhat unreliable chains used to lift the flapper when the toilet handle is pushed down. Old chains can get tangled or break and hold the flapper open indefinitely.

New flush valves are a more unitized assembly that replaces the flapper and the chain. Still, they can also experience issues that will result in a lot of wasted water. The seal can get damaged or warped, much like the older versions of the flapper valve. If you think that the flush valve or flapper in your toilet is the cause of a high water bill, there is an easy way to test your theory.

Place a few drops of food coloring in the toilet tank. Wait several minutes before checking the water in the toilet bowl. If the colored water is now in the bowl, you have a leak and should replace the flapper or valve. The other two common issues involve a leaky fill valve and a corroded toilet handle. As you begin to find more parts failing on an older toilet, the most reliable solution is to call (262) 710-2808 for professional assistance. The licensed plumbers at Jeff’s Custom Care Plumbing will provide you with the solutions you need to stop wasting water and your hard-earned money.