Plumbing Tips For New Homeowners

Congratulations on the purchase of your new home! Getting settled into your home is a very exciting time. However, there are some tips and hints that you should know as soon as you move in to avoid any costly plumbing issues in the future. Our team of licensed plumbers has created this short list of essential information to get new homeowners off to the best homeownership experience possible.

Locate the Water Main And Shut Off Valve

Few things in a house can create as much damage as a water leak. So it is essential that you know where the water main enters your home and where the shut-off valve is located. Some are located outside your house near the foundation, while others are just inside the wall of your house in the basement or a utility room or closet. Locate it and commit the location to memory. You will want to be able to quickly shut off all the water in the house when you discover a leak or other water-related issue.

Be Kind To Your New Drains

All of the drain lines in your home converge into a single sewer line that connects your home to the city sewer system. If you clog any of the drain lines, it is possible to create a flood of dirty water or even raw sewage in your house. Avoid putting any food waste, used cooking oil, or grease down the kitchen sink. And placing a small mesh filter in each bathroom sink will stop loose hairs and other debris from going down the drain. Both of these steps will significantly reduce the potential of a clogged drain in your home. In addition, only flush human waste and toilet paper down the toilet. Anything else is likely to create a nasty clog that will result in a flood of filthy water.

Know Your Plungers

When you become a homeowner, it is always a good idea to have a plunger on hand. But what many new homeowners do not know is that you actually need two plungers. The plunger with the flat base is meant to be used for clogged showers, tubs, and sinks. The flat surface created a seal over the drain and allows you to plunge with some force. The second plunger has a flange the is made to fit inside the toilet bowl and create the necessary seal over the toilet drain. Having the right tool for the job is the most challenging part of a successful clog removal with a plunger.

Pay Attention To Hot Water Temps

Most water heaters are factory set at 140 degrees. This might be too warm or cool for you, which is fine because you can easily adjust it. A few additional facts to keep in mind are that 120 degrees is the most energy-efficient according to the Department of Energy. In addition, this is the highest temperature recommended for homes with small children or elderly residents as they tend to have more sensitive skin. However, the water temperature must be between 135 and 140 degrees to kill bacteria. Therefore, if you notice an odd odor to your hot water, turn the thermostat up to 140 for a few days to eliminate the bacteria. Then you can turn the setting back to a more comfortable temperature.

If you discover any issues with your new home’s plumbing, call (262) 710-2808. The licensed plumbers at Jeff’s Custom Care Plumbing are here to assist you 24/7 with any plumbing emergency. Our pros always provide a complete cost estimate, and all of our work carries a full warranty on parts and labor.