Typical construction industry installation of utilities in a house

Taking Care of Your Gas Lines During a Winter Storm

Winter storms are quite common during the festive season, and they require you to be on the lookout for your gas lines. Keeping them in optimal condition ensures that your home receives adequate energy throughout the season. Here are a few tips on how you can ensure that everything operates smoothly and your household remains safe.

Keep the Gas Meter Visible

You need to locate the gas meter and ensure there is no clutter around that area. This way, you will have easy access in case you need to shut off the supply during an emergency. The gas meter also allows you to monitor the gas supply and will tell you when there is a leak.

Additionally, you should always remove any excess snow on the meter. Do this with a broom or soft brush to avoid damaging the lines.

Keep the Meter On

Do not shut off your gas supply during a winter storm. If the lines remain empty, there is a high risk of getting water into the pipes, especially during a flood. However, if the gas continues to flow, there will be no vacuum for the water to fill.

If you suspect that water is seeping into the gas pipes, you need to call for professional plumbing assistance immediately. Do not interfere with the gas supply. Leave the house and wait for an inspection.

Keep the Experts’ Contacts Close

Accidents happen during winter storms, and there is a high probability of damage to the lines. The most common incidents are pipe bursts, either due to frozen pipes or fallen trees or branches. If any of these happen and the gas begins to leak, you need to call for emergency repair services and evacuate your home.

The most common sign of a leak is a rotten-egg stench, and it should be your warning sign to leave the vicinity. It is risky to begin looking for the source of the leak since you do not have the necessary training to fix the issue.

Clear the Vents

In order for your furnace, gas heater, and every other gas appliance to operate efficiently, you will need to clear the vents. Remove any obstructions frequently, such as debris and snow, from the outside to ensure the house does not accumulate carbon monoxide. The air intake should also be clear to ensure that you get enough fresh air to breathe.


Ensure your pipes are safe this winter by letting professional plumbers inspect them before the winter season begins. With proper maintenance, your home will keep functioning despite the weather.

Reach out to Jeff’s Custom Care Plumbing for all your emergency gas and plumbing repair needs in Waukesha, WI and its surroundings.