Everything Homeowners Need To Know About Drain Clogs

A slow clearing drain in your home might be something that you see as just a mild inconvenience. But it is essential to know that this is just the beginning of what could turn into a very messy and costly problem. A drain that is suddenly slow to clear tells you that a clog is forming and that without proper care, you can expect a flood of dirty water in your future. But that is only the case if you choose to ignore the drains warning and the tips we are about to share with you.

The Most Common Causes Of Drain Clogs

In many cases, the reason for a drain clog is nothing more than laziness. Many people look at their toilets as flushing garbage cans. When paper products, trash, and feminine hygiene items get flushed, they will create a clog. Toilets are only made to handle toilet paper and human waste. Anything else needs to make its way to the trashcan.

Misinformation is another common cause of drain clogs. Many homeowners think that waste will not harm your drain if it fits into the garbage disposal. But this is not a case of if it fits, it’s good to go. Only small bits of food waste stuck to dishes and cookware should ever find their way into your garbage disposal and then into your home’s drains. All other debris should be scrapped from dishes before they are rinsed. In addition, there should never be any grease, oils, or fatty foods washed down the drain. The grease sticks to the drain line and creates a sticky residue that is the beginning of most clogs.

DIY Solutions

If you notice that only a single sink or tub is slow to clear, there is a good possibility that you can remove the clog yourself. But you want to be sure only to use a pipe-safe drain cleaning method. Never use harsh chemical drain cleaners that are known to do more damage to your drains than you could ever imagine.

Instead, pour a cup of baking soda down the drain, followed by a cup of vinegar. Let the bubbles work on the clog for about 10 minutes before flushing with hot water. This should remove any small clog that is forming near the fixture. You can try this process a few times if the result is not a free-flowing drain. But if the problem persists, call in a pro for a professional drain cleaning.

What Is Professional Drain Cleaning?

When you face a stubborn clog or one in your home’s sewer line, the only safe solution is a professional drain cleaning. The process involves a large machine that creates a powerful jet of water. This water jet blasts away any clogs that are forming in your home’s drain lines. In addition, it scrubs away all the sticky residue that could create more clogs.

The most important fact to remember is that this is an entirely safe way to clean your drains, as long as a licensed plumber is doing the work. Years of training and skill are needed to master the proper technique to clean drains without causing any damage. Never trust a handyman or other service to use a high-pressure jet of water in your drain lines. The result could be catastrophic damage to your home’s drain and sewer lines.

For expert drain cleaning, call (262) 710-2808. The licensed plumbers at Jeff’s Custom Care Plumbing have decades of experience and expertise cleaning drains safely. We are so sure of our process that we back our work with a full warranty.